lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019

How to use Padlet


Two years ago, I was introduced to the wonderful tool called PADLET. It has helped me curate a lot of useful resources that I could even share with my colleagues in many occasions.
You can see the type of content I have uploaded so far by clicking here:

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019


Twitter can be a powerful tool to be in touch with other professionals who share your same interests and difficulties.
I find it quite hard to be updated with so many apps, resources and trends in education. So having other colleagues telling you what works and what doesn´t saves you quite a little bit of time.
Keep connected!


I really think that having a personal learning network is a great opportunity to be in touch with professionals all around the world who may share your same interests and difficulties alike.

I do have an etwinning account which helps me find new colleagues in the subject I am interested in.

Whatsapp chats are also a good tool for immediate information exchanges that may be useful for instance, at your workplace.



How does informal learning affect my professional and personal life?

Like all teachers, continuous education is a must! Lifelong skills are really relevant in our profession. We need to be updated with the lastest trends in education. For that reason, I try to read literature on the subject and enrol in online courses on a variety of topics related to education.

From time to time, I sign up for special training courses abroad during my summer holidays, or I even sign up for events or exams as a way to brush up my language skills.

Practice makes perfect! 


Hi everyboydy!

This is my LEARNING DIARY, created for personal reflections on the topic of education.

I´ve been teaching foreign languages for quite a long time. It´s my passion.

Here I will try to post links, tools and resources that can be useful for other teachers as well.

Let´s get started!!!🔝